OMEGAWASH-professional washing

Omega Wash: Professional washing system

Effective and high-performance washing system “Omega Wash”: Guarantees a professional cleaning service for all vehicles.

Omega Wash is the professional and highly performing gantry-type washing system present in the Iteco Washing Systems product range. This washing system ensures a complete, fast and effective cleaning service for each type of vehicle.

Discover the capabilities of this system:

Lavaggio autobus con sistema a portale Omega Wash
Lavaggio camion con sistema a portale Omega Wash

Complete washing cycle

Omega Wash Erogatori ad alta pressione

Side chassis washing system: high pressure water dispenser circuit for cleaning the underbody and side frames.

Omega Wash erogatori a bassa pressione

Low pressure dispensing system: this is an equipment present on all sides of the portal, even at the top, which carries out the vehicle pre-washing phase.

Omega Wash Spazzole

Multi-brush washing system is able to clean the entire surface of the bodywork of each vehicle and it is possible to install from a minimum of two to a maximum of five brushes.

Additional equipment

To optimize the performance of Omega Wash, the following additional devices can be added on request:

Omega Wash: Display scelta programma di lavaggio

Monitoring PLC: to control and optimize the washing programs and working times of your station.

Omega Wash barra oscillante

Oscillating HP roof bar: Excellent for vehicles with particular shapes such as tankers, it is composed of a series of nozzles capable of delivering water at high pressure and cleaning the areas that do not come into contact with the brushes.

Omega Wash teste rotanti lavaggio sottoscocca

Rotating heads: Frame and underbody washing devices. Eliminates any residue of dirt deposited during journeys.

For additional info about Omega Wash:

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